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Hye-Bin KIM, M.S.

Hye-Bin KIM, M.S.

(주)코스온 기초화장품연구소

Yu-Ri SEO, M.S.

Yu-Ri SEO, M.S.

(주)바이오솔루션 세포치료 R&D 연구소

Woo-Chul SHIN, M.S.

Woo-Chul SHIN, M.S.

커먼웰스메디컬 대표

Dr. Dinesh K. PATEL

Dr. Dinesh K. PATEL

IIT Kanpur

Rachmi Luthfikasari, M.S.

Rachmi Luthfikasari, M.S.


Dr. Sayan Deb Dutta

Dr. Sayan Deb Dutta

University of California, Davis



Mechanical Engineering | Virginia Tech

Thesis title of previous graduate students


  1. Hye-bin KIM | M.S. | Feb. 2018 | Enhanced Osteogenesis of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Tissue Engineering Applications

  2. Yu-Ri SEO | M.S. | Feb. 2019 | Development of Extracellular Matrix-like Eletrospun Nanoscaffolds with Nanocellulose on Reduced Graphene Oxide Substrates for Tissue Engineering

  3. Woo-Chul SHIN | M.S. | Feb. 2020 | Development of Biomimetic 3D Printed Scaffolds with Alginate/Gelatin/Cellulose Nanocrystals for Bone Tissue Applications

  4. Sayan Deb DUTTA | PH.D. | February 2023 | Development of 3D Bioprinted Immunomodulatory Soft Hydrogels for Tissue Regeneration

  5. Keya GANGULY | PH.D. | August 2023 | Development of 3D Biomimetic Anisotropic Platforms for Modulating Dynamic Macrophage Polarization and Tissue Regeneration Under External Physical Stimulation

  6. Rachmi LUTHFIKASARI | M.S. | August 2023 | Development of Near-Infrared Laser-Responsive Spiky Zinc Oxide Microbots for Effective Killing of Cancer Cells and Bacteria

  7. Tejal PATIL | PH.D. | Feb. 2025 |

  8. Aayushi RANDAWA | PH.D. | Feb. 2025 | 

  9. Jieun LEE | M.S. | Feb. 2025 | 

  10. Hojin KIM | M.S. | Feb. 2025 | 

  11. Hyunseo PARK | M.S. | Feb. 2025 | 

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